Sunday, June 30, 2024

Into a New Freeplay

I've been letting my sims do their own thing, dictating who they're attracted to...and well, Tosh is the "odd-man out"; no hearts when it comes to Jugs attraction towards him on her end...and well neither did Meg, so well...guess who enters the fray. Evidently there is no attraction when one sim is an adult and the other is a "young adult"...probably due to the difference in ages.

Tosh, on the other hand, is a taciturn, stern sort and well, nothing appears to faze him in the slightest. However, there is one person, whom he's served with that has always sparked his interest, a former squadron-mate by the name of Maegyn "Irish" O'Bannon. She is only two years younger than he is and they were tight.

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